Just about anyone who lives in Utah has at some point wished they had their own pool. Probably never more so than in the summer of 2020.  New pool construction is a way to get that dream pool or water feature, whether indoors or outdoors, and enjoy the fun and privacy of your own amazing recreation area.


Right now is a great time for new pool construction.  You would still be able to use the pool this year—usually well into October in Utah.  Think of all the fun you can have!  But what about size and maintenance and safety?  Let’s answer those questions.


First, size and shape—well, those are up to you. Our methods of building a pool or other water features include materials that enable us to build whatever suits your fancy.  Indoors or out, we can design and build a pool that meets your size and shape requirements.  We can add hot tubs or waterfalls, lazy rivers or water slides.  So don’t worry about whether you are stuck with choosing one of three preset designs.


Maintenance of pools isn’t that hard.  We won’t leave you wondering what to do and how to avoid disaster.  If you have an outdoor deck or patio that you have to sweep now and then, you know that maintaining a wonderful outdoor space is worth a few minutes of your day.  Pools are the same.


As to safety, you will need to check with your local community because in addition to state safety laws, each city has their own, and some HOA’s have their own.  But once you know what you need to do, we can help you do it.  Fencing is a must, of course, but we help build safety features right in because we have been at this a while, and we know what to expect and plan for.